Syntax Search Manual

FlopHero now features a search and filter function for combo lists, utilizing ProPokerTools style syntax. This allows users to quickly filter combos using basic commands, eliminating the need to manually browse through lists on screen.

Syntax search gives all players a new way to look through preflop ranges, but more importantly postflop scenarios with greater accuracy. Whether you’re a novice looking to grasp the basics of hand selection or a seasoned professional aiming to refine your edge with complex queries, Syntax Search is infinitely customizable to match your level of play.

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Basic Operators

( )


[ ]Lists

There are three ways to combine multiple ranges, using basic operators.

  • Use the comma character ‘,’ (read as “or”) to get the union of two ranges. For instance, in hold’em, “JJ, AK” means “Jacks OR Ace-King.”
  • Use the two dots character ‘:’ (read as “and”) to get the intersection of two ranges. For instance, in Omaha, “xx:15%” means “hands that are suited AND in the top 15% of hands.”
  • Use the exclamation mark ‘!’ (read as “not”) to get the difference between two ranges. For instance, in Omaha, “AA! AAA” means “hands with two aces NOT three aces.”

Note that all three combinators (“,”, “:”, and “!”) can be used together. For instance, in Omaha, “AA:xxyy, JJ! JJJ, KK” means “double-suited aces or a hand with exactly two jacks or a hand with at least two kings.”


AAny hand with an Ace. We can use any of the standard Ranks ‘AKQJT98765432’
OOther Rank
NaNother Rank
*Any Rank
$BBig card, Ace to Jack [A-J]
$RBroadway card, Ace to Ten [A-T]
$MMiddle card, Ten to 7 [T-7]
$ZSmall card, 6 to 2, [6-2]
$LLow card, 8 to Ace, [8-A]
$WWheel card, 5 to Ace, [5-A]
$NNo-low card, King to 9, [K-9]
$FFace Card, King to Jack, [K-J]
$NPNo Pairs, same as !RR
$OPOne pair, same as :RRON
$TPTwo Pair, same as :RROO
$NTNo Trips, same as !RRR
$0gZero Gap rundown, like QJT9
$1gOne Gap rundown, like QJT8
$2gTwo Gap rundown, like QJT7


Percent of Hands

xHand contains one of any suit
xxHand contains at least 2 of the same suit
xxxHand contains at least 3 of the same suit
xxxxHand contains exactly 4 of the same suit, or Monotone
xxyyHand contains 2 of same suit and 2 of another suit, or Double Suited
xywzHand contains all 4 cards of different suits, or Rainbow
$SSHand is exactly 2 cards of the same suit, or Single suited
$DSHand is exactly 2 cards of the same suit, or Double suited
$TSHand is exactly 3 cards of the same suit, or Triple suited
$MSHand is exactly 4 cards of the same suit, or Monotone suited
$RSHand is exactly 4 cards of different suits, or Rainbow
  • ‘AsKhJd2c’: is a specific hand where all cards are known.
  • ‘AA’: is a hand with at least two aces in it.
  • ‘AxAyxy’: double-suited Aces.
  • ‘sshh’: a hand with two spades and two hearts.
  • ‘wxy’:a hand with at least three suits.
  • ‘****’: a completely random hand. This can be written more simply as “*”.
  • ‘RRON’:A hand with one pair and two non-paired side cards.
  • ‘RxRyOxOy’:A double-suited hand with two pairs in it.
  • ‘RROO’: A hand double paired.
  • ‘RR!>RRO’: One pair hand
  • ‘!RR’: No pair in hand
15%Top 15% of hands in 6max Omaha
5%-10%Hands between the top 5 and top 10 percent of hand
1%-100%All Hands


Rank Spans

KQJT-T987Equivalent to KQJT,QJT9,JT98,T987
AAJT-AA87Equivalent to AAJT,AAT9,AA98,AA87
[A-Q][J-T]32Equivalent to AJ32,AT32,KJ32,KT32,QJ32,QT32
T8+Equivalent to all hands with higher cards and same gap, like T8,J9,QT,KJ,AQ
664-Equivalent to 664,553,442
TsJs-KsQsEquivalent to TsJs,JsQs,QsKs
[Kx-Jx]xEquivalent to Kxx, Qxx, Jxx


Advanced Operators

>Equals and better than
<Worse than
=Equals to (and not better)


These operators will only work postflop (when board cards are dealt) by matching all hands and their strength categories within FlopHero.


Strength Categories

These filters only apply to postflop made hands, they will match the same name categories for the first two levels on the Strength tab of FlopHero app.

Each category contains all the hands within their sub-categories, you can query for the main category or any of the subcategories inside. They are ordered based on their actual strength, so the higher on the list, the stronger they are.

You can combine them with the advanced operators to search for combos that are equal or better, or worse than a certain strength.

$SFAny Straight Flush
$SFNStraight Flush Nut
$SFOStraight Flush Non-Nut or other
$QSAny Quads or Poker
$QSNQuads Nut
$QSOQuads Other
$FHAny Full House
$FHNFull House Nut
$FHOFull House Other
$FLAny Flush
$FLNFlush Nut
$FLN2Flush second nut
$FLN3Flush Third Nut
$FLOFlush Other
$STRAny Straight
$STRNStraight Nut
$STRN2Straight second nut
$STRN3Straight third nut
$STRNOStraight other
$SETAny Trio using 2 holecards and 1 board card.
$SETTTrips – Top set
$SETMTrips – Mid set
$SETBTrips – Bottom set
$TRIAny Trio using 1 holecard and 2 board cards.
$TRINTrips top kicker
$TRIN2Trips 2nd kicker
$TRIOTrips other
$2PAny Two pair
$2PT2Two pair Top 2
$2PTPTwo pair Top pair
$2POPTwo pair with Overpair
$3PThree pair or more
$2PPPTwo pair with Poker pair
$2POTwo pair other
$BOPAny pair on board
$TPTKTop pair Top kicker
$TPTop pair other
$MPMiddle pair
$BPBottom pair
$UPUnder pair
$DRAWAny draw from this list, without a made hand. This excludes hands in the previous sections.
$AIRAny non-made hand and not a draw 

Draws Categories

These sentences are filtering any of the possible draws available given a board, whether they also are also holding a made hand or not. Straight Draw main category is also including: Warp, OESD, and Gutshots. These categories are equivalent to the third level of the Strength tab in FlopHero, and they are ordered by strength or number of outs.

You can also combine them with the advanced operators to search for combos that are equal or above a certain strength.

$SFDAny combo draw (Straight draw + Flush draw)
$2SFDA double Combo Draw
$SFDNCombo draw nut
$SFDOCombo draw other
$FDFlush draw
$2FDDouble flush draw
$FDNFlush draw to nut
$FDOFlush draw to other
$SDAny straight draw
$WRAny Wrap Draw
$WRNWrap draw to nut straight
$WROWrap draw to other straight
$OESDAny Open Ended Straight Draw
$OESDOOESD to other
$GSAny Gutshot draw
$GSNGutshot draw to nuts
$GSOGutshot draw to other
$BDFDAny backdoor flush draw
$BDFD2Double backdoor
$BDFDNBackdoor flush to nuts
$BDFDOBackdoor flush to other

Blockers and missed draws

It’s also possible to filter hands that are blocking made hands or draws in the opponent’s range.

For example, if we are holding the Ace of spades in a flop with 2 spades, we currently don’t have any flush draw but we still have the Nut Blocker to a potential Flush draw. Conversely, if there are 3 spades on board, there is the possibility of an already made flush, but if we hold the Ace of spades, we have the Nut Blocker, making your opponent impossible to hold it.

Missed Draws are only available on the River, where it could be important to know what is the strategy for the draws that have not being completed with the current board.

$BLFAny blocker for a flush already possible
$BLFNBlocker to flush draw nut
$BLFOBlocker to flush draw other
$BLFDAny blocker to a flush draw
$BLFDNBlocker to flush draw nut
$BLFDOBlocker to flush draw other
$BLSBlocker to a possible made straight
$BLSDBlocker to straight draw
$MFDMissed Flush Draw
$MSDMissed Straight Draw

Strength examples 

  • ‘>$2P’: All hands that are 2 Pair or better.
  • ‘<$FL’: All hands that are worse than a made Flush.
  • ‘=$SET’: All hands that are exactly a Set (but not better)
  • ‘$GS!$FD’: All hands that have a Gutshot but does not have a Flush Draw.
  • ‘$BLF:$TP’: All Top Pairs with a blocker to the Flush.
  • ‘$STR,$FD’: Any hand with a Straight draw or a Flush Draw.
  • ‘<$MP:($BDFD,$GS)’: Mid Pairs or worse that have Backdoor Flush Draw or Gutshot.

More examples

  • ‘AA’: A hand with at least two aces.
  • ‘Axx’: Ace with at least another card of the same suit, or at least single-suited.
  • ‘A$ss’: Ace Single-suited.
  • ‘AA,KK’: A hand with at least two aces or two kings.
  • ‘TT-77’: A hand with at least two tens, nines, eights, or sevens in it.
  • ‘Q+’: A hand with at least one queen, king, or ace.
  • ‘A-Q’: A hand with an ace, a king, or a queen.
  • ‘9876-‘: A medium to small rundown.
  • ‘hh’: A hand with two hearts in it.
  • ‘AxAyxy’: Double-suited aces.
  • ‘AA:$ds’: Another way to write double-suited aces.
  • ‘AxAyxz’: Single-suited aces.
  • ‘AA:$ss’: Another way to write single-suited aces.
  • ‘KJ*ss’: Any king, any jack, and two other cards that are spades.
  • ‘JRON’: A hand with a jack and three other ranks.
  • ‘hhxx’: A hand with two hearts and two of some other suit.
  • ‘[A-J][2-5]33’: A hand with an A, K, Q, or J and a 2, 3, 4, or 5 and two threes.
  • ‘K[2s,Jc,T]’: A hand with a King and a 2 of spades, jack of clubs, or ten.
  • ‘J[T-][T-][T-]’: A jack-high hand.
  • ‘*$np’: A hand with no paired cards.
  • ‘*$nt’: A hand with no trips.
  • ‘AA!AAA’: A hand with exactly two aces.
  • ‘AA$nt0’: Another way to write a hand with exactly two aces.
  • ‘AARR’: A hand with two aces and another pair (but not four aces).
  • ‘A!K’: A hand with an ace but no king.
  • ‘25%:wxyz’: A hand in the top 25% of hands that is monotone.
  • ‘A:15%!AA’: A hand with an ace in the top 15% of hands but not a pair of aces.
  • ‘40%!RR’: A hand in the top 40% of hands with no paired cards.
  • ‘([T+][T+][T+], ss):15%’: At least three big cards or a hand with two spades in the top 15% of hands.
  • ‘(Ax[2x-5x], 2x3x-2x5x, 3x4x-3x5x, 4x5x):30%-50%’: A hand with at least two suited wheel cards in the top 30 to 50 percent of hands.
  • ‘$BOP:25%’: All hands within the top 25% that have a pair on Board.
  • ‘$FD:AK’: All hands with AK that also have a Flush Draw.